Wednesday, April 15, 2015

“So Hillary asks me...”

“So Hillary asks me...” Put your morning beverage down before watching...

Best code ever!

Best code ever!  Remy with a Tax Day special...

It's a winter wonderland!

It's a winter wonderland!  A few photos from our yard, all taken just a few minutes ago...

The importance of accuracy on your Federal tax return...

The importance of accuracy on your Federal tax return...  Via my brother Scott, who made me smile even though it's (spit! hiss! creative cursing!) Tax Day:
The IRS has returned the Tax Return to a man in New York City
after he apparently answered one of the questions incorrectly.

In response to the question,... "Do you have anyone dependent on you ?" the man wrote: "2.1 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crackheads, 4.4 million unemployable scroungers, 80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons plus 450 idiots in Congress and a group that call themselves Politicians".

The IRS stated that the response he gave was unacceptable.

The man's response back to the IRS was, ... " Who did I leave out?"
Who indeed?

First turnings...

First turnings...  I've now finished sanding them, and have given them a good treatment with clear Watco.  The bowl has developed a few small cracks, but the goblet is still crack-free.  These cracks are to be expected, as I was turning wood that wasn't completely dried – about halfway between green and dry.  The bowl is more likely to crack because it's a larger diameter...

Strange weather yesterday...

Strange weather yesterday...  First it was wind – 60 MPH gusts, and steady winds of 40 MPH or more for several hours.  Our pines were bent into odd shapes, and lost a few small branches; our choke-cherries were bent over nearly sideways to the ground.  The flags were snapping like crazy, and of course standing straight out – even the small and heavy Gadsden flag.  I was surprised (and happy!) to see that the top of the flagpole didn't move around much.

Then later in the afternoon we got a few sprinkles, and then it started snowing.  In the high winds the snow swirled all around in the vortexes around the house, even though it was wet and heavy snow.  We got about two inches all together.  The driveway is well above freezing, so nothing stuck to that.  The trees and grass are all covered, though.  This is exactly what the local farmers were hoping for, to get a nice soak into the just-planted fields.  The 12 acre field south of our house is planted with alfalfa, after a nice dose of cow manure and careful mechanical preparation this year.  The 2.5 acre field northwest of our house has been mechanically prepared, and will be planted with a grass/alfalfa mix next week.

Around 6 pm we lost power, and it wasn't restored for almost three hours.  There was a downed power line a mile or so from our house that took out power to 391 homes, naturally including ours.  This reinforces our goal of getting a backup generator in place.  We'll probably do that later this spring...