Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Paradise ponders...

Paradise ponders...  Debbie is down with a bad cold.  It got worse all day yesterday, but today she's on the “getting better” side.  She's got a nasty cough every time she has a cold, and this time is no exception.  I hate hearing her hacking, but there's not a thing I can do...

My brother Scott is getting along fabulously well with his neighbors.  He's only been in the house a couple of weeks, and he's already had dinner with two (or more?) of his neighbors, met loads more, and has every expectation of more of the same.  I expected him to find the neighbors a good bunch of folks, but I didn't expect it to happen so fast!

I'm puttering and taking care of Debbie today.  I ran one of our cats (Koa, our oldest guy) up to the vet for a checkup, as he was exhibiting some strange symptoms.  Turns out he's got another urinary tract infection (UTI), something male cats are prone to.  She took blood for a workup, too.  Also gave him some fluids, as he was a bit dehydrated.  Now he's home, and on antibiotics to get rid of the UTI...

For the past two days we've had a roaring fire going in our living room fireplace.  I brought in some wood that we cut when the Mormon horde helped me clean up along the irrigation canal last summer.  It's a mix of wet and dry, and box elder and black willow.  It's all burning very well, making the room (where Debbie is holed up) a much homier place...

1 comment:

  1. That's Scott's forte--he has always been very skilled in finding people who will feed him. We were always willing and happy to provide meals for him at our home. Marguerite
