Monday, September 22, 2014

Antarctic ice level is at an all-time record high right now...

Antarctic ice level is at an all-time record high right now...  Global warming, don't you know?

Mantle mounting...

Mantle mounting...  I spent most of this weekend (when I wasn't goofing off) working on mounting our new mantle to the living room wall.  This is a job that would have been (much) easier in a properly-equipped wood shop – but which can still be done in a garage with just hand tools.  I used saw horses and clamps to keep everything in the right place, and then a circular saw, a jig saw, and a drill.  Today I hope to actually start attaching this to the wall...

First of two plywood "plates"
Second "plate"
Installing hanger bolts
Creative clamping
Getting the hangers right
Trial fitting the finished plates
All the hangers are in

Paving progress...

Paving progress...  The first photo shows the crew “taking elevations” to determine the grade along the driveway.  This is how they make sure the water flows off the pavement the right way (away from buildings!).  The second photo shows the new apron in front of the roll-up door in the new barn.  The last photo shows the driveway near the barn, which is all finished grading and is ready for road base (a layer of gravel) and asphalt.

Portrait of a tractor...

Portrait of a tractor...  My new Kubota B26, to be precise.  This is at the request of Bob K.  The big orange thing to the left of the tractor is the 4-in-1 loader bucket, which can be exchanged in about a minute with the pallet fork currently mounted...

All in the family...

All in the family...  My brother sent this to my mom, who then sent it to all of the family, saying that there may be a message for her in this:

Ya think, mom?

Morning smile...

Morning smile...

Maven in orbit around Mars...

Maven in orbit around Mars...  Another little robotic explorer is about to do some serious science work for about the same cost as the useless “demonstration” 3D printer that NASA just sent to the space station.

It must be fun for the NASA honchos to waste the taxpayers' money on the vast scale that they do...