Thursday, May 8, 2014

I find this quite plausible...

I find this quite plausible...  Via my lovely bride...

If this is for real...

If this is for real ... it's a most welcome development!  It might be the proverbial “silver bullet” for cancer – or it might be another disappointment...

Leading climate scientist “defects”...

Leading climate scientist “defects” ... and Delingpole has the scoop...

Reagan vs. Obama recoveries, in one chart...

Reagan vs. Obama recoveries, in one chart...  More here, if you feel the need...

The Black Death wasn't all bad...

The Black Death wasn't all bad...  It was a stimulus for human evolution.

This is one of the reasons why I oppose mandatory safety regulations :)

Question: Is Harry Reid all there?

Question: Is Harry Reid all there?
Answer: Hell, no.

Cold war calculators...

Cold war calculators...  These are circular slide rules made of laminated paper.  Some of them make calculations that are nearly trivial.  Others, like the one illustrated, use nomographs to solve problems quite challenging to do without a computer or specialized slide rule.  I have a couple dozen examples of these in my collection.  Amazingly, some of them are still being made – generally for tradesmen to use for complex calculations, such as the flow rate of water through pipes of various diameters...

“It’s gross hypocrisy.”

“It’s gross hypocrisy.”  That's from an anonymous former senior U.S. official, talking about Hilary Clinton.  Specifically her current bellowing to bring the Boko Haram to justice for kidnapping several hundred young Nigerian women – as compared to her refusal to label Boko Haram a terrorist group when she was Secretary of State.

   Gross hypocrisy?  Check.
   Politically motivated?  Check.
   Lying politico-weasel?  Check.
   Typically conflicted progressive ideology (multi-culti vs. women's rights)?  Check.
   Probability of election?  High - current poll front runner matched against any Republican opponent.

Is that a whiff of doom I smell, wafting in on the otherwise lovely morning breeze?  I think it is...

Quote of the day...

Quote of the day...
“At the rate we’re going, we’re going to have so many people with guns everywhere, fully licensed, fully validated, in settings where [one] could be in a movie theater, and they don’t like someone chewing gum loudly or talking on their cell phone and decide they have the perfect right to defend themselves against the gum chewer or cell phone user by shooting.”
That's Hilary Clinton, presumptive Democratic nominee for President in 2016.  She (along with nearly all other Democrats and a non-trivial percentage of Republicans) would turn us into Euroweenies and ready us for a Hugo Chavez-like thugocratic takeover.  Does that sound extreme to you?  If so, I suggest you read more recent history – not to mention current events...

Tea Party donor? IRS audit you?

Tea Party donor?  IRS audit you?  You were in good company: the IRS audited about 10% of the people on the Tea Party donor lists it illegally requested from Tea Party groups submitting non-profit status applications.  That's ten times the rate that ordinary citizens are audited.

   Corrupt partisan bureaucrats.
   Some assembly required.