Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Trash Problems...

In Antarctica and on Mt. Everest.  There are times when I don't care for my fellow humans very much.

At least on Mt. Everest they're attempting to do something about it.  There's still a lot more that needs to be done, though...

Disposable Penis...

I find this...disturbing...on several levels...


I haven't actually tried one of these, but I think I'm going to.  In the summer it's fairly common for us to have yellow-jacket wasps sneak into the house.  This thing looks like it would be ideal for combating those, and easy for Debbie to use (she's a good shot!)...

Orion's Great Nebula – in Infrared...

Image captured by the WISE satellite.  Via APOD, of course.  Full resolution here.

Passwords Are Not the Bottleneck...

Fascinating paper by a pair of Microsoft researchers, arguing that the poor technical merits of passwords on web-based financial accounts really aren't the problem to tackle.  I learned all sorts of things about the “business” of stealing passwords on reading this paper...


Rachel Lucas, on Primo and his new jacket.  A snippet from His shivers broke my will:
He’s a dog, and thus he went nuts for the snow. He snorkled it like I’ve never seen a dog do before, I mean he shoved his snout through it while running and then flung it from the top if his snout into the air and then made a freaky laughing kind of sound. It was like he was on acid at Woodstock. He frolicked and pranced and had an especially good time kicking it up behind him after pooping, such a good time that he then wandered around the park kicking it up even though he hadn’t pooped further. Times like these I really wish I had a newer iPhone so I could take video.

Oh and yes, I did pop the collar on his little jacket. Don’t judge me. It was snowing and his neck needed extra coverage, and also, it makes me laugh.
My mornings just wouldn't be the same without a dose of Rachel Lucas. I sure am glad she's started blogging again...

I Can't Help Myself...

I was raised to believe it is wrong to laugh at the misfortunes of others (even while they laughed at ours).  But watching this video...I just can't help myself.

I also can't help thinking that I'm probably seeing evolution in action: