Thursday, January 19, 2012

Look What We're Creating...

 My mom sent me this clip from “Judge Judy” (apparently some kind of TV show).  I don't know anything about this show, but it certainly doesn't look like any courtroom I've ever seen.  The clip shows her interviewing a defendant who provides us with a beautiful, crystalized view of what our welfare state creates: people with a clear belief in their entitlement to our money.  It's infuriating.

The backstory to this is the assertion (in the email my mom forwarded to me and on numerous web sites) that CBS removed this video from the web when requested by (variously attributed) politicians.  I've been unable to verify that.  Also my mom wondered whether Judge Judy actually sent the tape to Congress, as she promised on the video.  Whether she did, I believe, is irrelevant – something as prosaic as an observable fact is not going to change the attitude of any Congresscritters...

Oh, Never Mind...

Reader Jim M. writes:
I am really concerned about North Korea's appointment of the "dear leader", Kim Jung Ill's youngest son to be the new leader of North Korea -- a nuclear power!

After all, Kim Jung Un (pronounced Kim's young-un?) had NO military experience whatsoever before daddy made him a four-star general in the military. This is a snot-nose twerp who has never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership: he hasn't even so much as led a cub scout troop, coached a sports team or commanded a military platoon...  So, setting that aside, next they make him the "beloved leader" of the country. Terrific!!!

Oh, crap! I'm sorry. I just remembered that we did the same thing here. We took a community organizer who has never worn a uniform and made him Commander-in-Chief; a guy who has never led anything more than an ACORN demonstration and made him the leader of this country. I'm sorry I brought this up, never mind.

Food Follies...

Someone in the kitchen has way too much time on their hands!  Via reader Simi L., a whole collection of such things...