Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jamul Casino: The New Plans...

The Jamul Indian tribe unveiled its new casino plans yesterday (drawing at right).  The UT has an article that echoes the tribe's professed optimism about finding a new funding partner.

Let's hope not.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see any parking. gee, I can't wait to have yet another opportunity to throw away my money. Let me think for a sec... ALL casino games favor the house, some by very large percentages, others by smaller ones but you will always loose given enough time. but the ever popular slot machines are essentially rigged. Not even truly a game of chance as the payout can be adjusted on the fly AND it seems I read fairly frequently that when there is a large jackpot at an Indian casino, there is a disturbing trend for them to claim it was invalid due to some computer or software problem. Its simply crazy to throw money away in these places. Its not even good value for the entertainment dollar. At $5/hand blackjack (your best casino odds) you can blow through $20 in under 10 min.
