Sunday, November 21, 2010


For the current storm, we're at just under an inch and a half of rain so far.  More rain is in the forecast for today, tomorrow, and possibly on Tuesday...

Dew Drops...

Here's a collection of the most stunning photos of dew drops that I've ever seen.  The one at right (click to enlarge) shows dew drops on a blue dragonfly's head.  The link above takes you to the collection – and if you click on the photos in the collection you'll link to even more!

TSA Bumper Snickers...

At least ten people emailed these to me this week, so chances are you've already seen them.  But just in on the thumbnail at right (but put your coffee down first)...

Soyuz Landing...

Some very cool photos of a Soyuz landing (as always, click to enlarge)...

Marines, Guns, Nail Clippers, and the TSA...

Stupid TSA story of the day.

While traveling home from Houston on Friday night, I witnessed some of the TSA behavior that so many Americans find objectionable.  As I was waiting in the security line, I watched a female TSA agent “pat down” a sweet little old lady (Caucasian, appearing to be in her 70s, speaking with a pronounced Texas drawl) who was absolutely mortified.  “Pat down” is in quotes because you and I would have called it groping and fondling.  At precisely the same time, a group of four men in their 20s and 30s, dressed in Arab garb, walked through the adjacent metal detector.  They gawked at the little old lady being groped while they walked out of security with no other checks.  I discovered later that the four young men were Yemeni – and if you're paying attention to the news, you know that Yemen is a hot spot of terrorist activity.

On what planet does this behavior make sense?  Only on Planet Progressive, where political correctness trumps security every time...

By the way...  Do you know how many terrorists the TSA has caught in their airport screening, in all they years they've been irritating us?  Zero.  That's right – zero.  Not one.  Nada.  Hundreds of millions of dollars spent, and the only success they've had is in cowing the American public.

Time for them to go.  Let's subcontract our airport security to the Israelis!

Ann Coulter Quotes...

A “25 Best” collection.  Sample:
This is liberalism's real strength. It is no longer susceptible to reductio ad absurdium arguments. Before you can come up with a comical take on their worldview, some college professor has already written an article advancing the idea.
She's the very definition of “pithy conservative”...