As of the latest CDF report, the Cowboy Fire is 62% contained, and just over 800 acres in size. The map at right (click to enlarge) shows satellite thermal imaging data, giving a more precise location than I was able to do yesterday. One interesting point for those of us living out here: the area that burned hasn't burned over in over thirty years.
The black shaded areas had fire within the past 48 hours, the orange within the past 24; these data are from MODIS satellites. The red dot is from a different satellite, showing the presence of fire within the past 12 hours. MODIS has a spatial resolution of about 1 kilometer, so those overlapping circles are far from precise – really all they can do is show you approximately where the fire was. In particular, it does NOT mean that the entire shaded area burned, or that nothing out side the shaded areas burned...