Chris and his boys were here bright and early this morning, guiding the delivery of our roofing panels. The truck they came on was a 45' tractor-trailer, and it couldn't make it around the corners and up the hills to our house. The driver parked over a quarter mile away, and hauled five bundles of metal panels up, one at a time, with a three-wheeled (and amazingly maneuverable) forklift. All arrived without incident. Whew!

Then the roofers went right to work. By the time they knocked off work tonight, they had finished more than half of one end of our house, including one of the dormer vents and our gas furnace vent. It looks great!
Today was one of the hottest days we've had this summer – it hit 96°F, with the humidity as high as 28% (it got drier as the day progressed). Chris and his two boys were just covered in sweat, from working on a hot roof in direct sunlight all day. I know I wouldn't survive something like that – yikes!
Here are a few more snaps of the work they did during the day today...