Thursday, December 24, 2009

Around Our House...

...are animals.  Lots of animals.  More animals than most people could imagine sharing their space with.  Only crazy people like us would think this was a desiable situation.

Our four dogs (seen here posing in front of our Christmas tree) and seven cats are quite happy today.  The dogs got presents (tug toys that squeak – everything a dog could desire) and everybody got lots of yummy food.  At right, the dogs are (clockwise starting with the black-and-white border collie): Racer, Mo'i, Lea, and Miki.   The angelic-looking kitty framed by the wreath is Halala Pala, affectionately known as the “Ha”.  He is the king of deception; his angelic looks conceal a devil on loan from Hades.  Curled up asleep is Maka Lea, who also looks angelic and innocent – but who actually is a well-practiced bully that rules the feline hierarchy here with unrelenting claw and vigilance.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all 12 of my regular readers!


Mao on a Christmas Ornament – at the White House!

I've no idea what the process was that led to this, nor do I know if these ornaments were approved by either of the Obamas personally.

But I do know this: as an American who cares about his fellow humanity, presenting Mao – responsible for more human death and misery than any other person in all of history – in such a context is insulting, wrong, and outrageous.

I can't even begin to imagine what anyone involved was thinking...

ClimateGate: A Climate Scientist Speaks Out...

Interesting WSJ piece by self-described “odd person” Hans Von Storch, a well-known climate scientist and participant in the IPCC process...

ClimateGate: The AGW Timeline...

An excellent graphic (in PDF form) showing the significant events in the development of AGW theory, from a skeptic's perspective.  Hat tip to JoNova.

Blogger Down...

With the H2N2 flu, or something much like it.  As I write this, I'm running a slight fever, I'm breathing mainly through my mouth, I've lost my speaking voice, and I ache all over.  And this represents an improvement!

I'm looking forward to more improvement by tomorrow morning.  Maybe I'll be able to speak again!