For several years we've had a Drinkwell “Big Dog” fountain. All of our indoor animals took to it immediately, and we've generally been very happy with it. However, it had one downside that caused me to go looking for something better: it needed regular and onerous cleaning. The entire unit had to be disassembled, cleaned in steamy hot water, and reassembled – usually a couple times a week. Less often (perhaps once a month), some mechanical abrasion was needed to scrape off the accumulated scale left by water evaporating from all the exposed surfaces where it had splashed.
There just had to be a better way!

So a-searching I went, and had success. I found the “Dogit” dog waterer fountain. This design rectifies not only the issues we had with the Big Dog, but a few others we didn't even know we had!
Here's the key points:
- There are almost no splashes, so almost no scale forms from evaporation. Big win!
- The water bubbles up in the center pool, fairly high off the ground. The dogs drink from this pool, and they don't stick their whole snout in the pool to do it (it's too high). About half our cats drink from this pool by standing up with their front paws on the silver ring and drinking straight from the pool – again, no snout in the water. Result: far, far less dirt and hair in the water. Big win!
- The water exits the bubbling pool underneath that silver ring you see in the photo, then cascades down about 1/3 of the blue curved “bubble” in a sheet. The other half of our cats drink by lapping at this cascading sheet. One of them stands there lapping with a look of utter ecstacy on his furry little face (why, I have no idea!). So all our animals seem equally attracted to this waterer – and now we only need the one, instead of the two (one big, one small) we used to have. Big win!
- The unit makes almost no noise. It is eerily quiet by comparison with the Big Dog. Big win!
We're delighted with this thing!
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