Debbie ran Mo'i in an agility competition in Escondido this weekend. On Sunday they double-Qd, and the Q on the standard course was the last one that Mo'i needed to get his Masters (MX) title. He's the second field spaniel ever to get that title, and because he already had his Masters Jumpers (MXJ) title, he's the first to get both!
The photo at right is an old one of him leaving a tunnel at top speed. I wasn't there on Sunday, but Debbie tells me he was a very happy dog during the run. And even happier afterwards, when he was showered with treats...
Now Debbie and Mo'i are working on the top title that any agility dog can get: the Mach. To get a Mach, a dog must have 20 double-Qs and 720 points. Right now Mo'i has 6 double-Qs and over 100 points – they're on the way!