Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin and Obama: a Brit's View...

Gerard Baker is the U.S. Editor, and the Assistant Editor, of the Times of London. He's got a piece up today at Real Clear Politics called Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama, focusing on the differences between the two. It's fascinating to see how this foreigner (albeit, one who is very familiar with the U.S.) views the two. Here's his conclusion:

Now it's true there are other crucial differences. Sen Obama has appeared on Meet The Press every other week for the last four years. He has been the subject of hundreds of adoring articles in papers and newsweeklies and TV shows and has written two Emmy-award winning books.

Gov Palin has never appeared on Meet the Press, never been on the cover of Newsweek. She presumably feels that, as a mother of five children married to a snowmobile champion, who also happens to be the first woman and the youngest person ever to be elected governor of her state, she has not really done enough yet to merit an autobiography.

Then again, I'm willing to bet that if she had authored The Grapes of Wrath, sung like Edith Piaf and composed La Traviata , she still wouldn't have won an Emmy.

Fortunately, it will be up to the American people and not their self-appointed leaders in Hollywood and New York to determine who really has the better experience to be president.

Go read the whole thing.

1 comment:


    Forget the vice presidency: does Sarah Palin even want to be an American?
    Before Sarah Palin joined the Republican Party she was a member of the Alaska Independence Party, a fringe group that wants Alaska to secede from the United States. Why did Palin join the Republican Party? The Alaska Independence Party's plans include infilitrating the major parties in order to advance the AIP's agenda: the separation of Alaska from the United States.

    Let's take a minute and meet the AIP, shall we? Here's some footage from the AIP's convention earlier this year in Alaska, and also some footage of what seems to me to be her endorsement of the AIP... Nice... It would be nice if you "approve" this posting...
