Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Biden...

I didn't expect to be surprised by Obama's choice for VP, but I am. For reasons that completely escape me, The One picked the man who is arguably the Senate's most notorious intellectual lightweight. Joe “The Mouth” Biden is most famous for his rambling, incoherent, and oops-filled extemporaneous comments in public places – often captured on tape, because, as the saying goes, it's downright dangerous to get between Joe Biden and a camera or a microphone. YouTube has hundreds of Biden clips, many of them exactly the sort of embarrassing (and revealing) comments for which he is famous.

The McCain camp has obviously been preparing for this choice. Just a couple of hours after The One announced his choice, this advertisement appeared:

While this year's Presidential campaign lacks in the essentials – quality candidates – it certainly doesn't disappoint on the entertainment side. I've been very amused by the antics on both sides. Overall, I'm most impressed by McCain's campaign team – they've made very effective (and fast!) use of the “new media” for getting their message out, and their attacks on Obama have been far more honest and fact-based than those from the other side. The messages I've enjoyed the most are those (like the ad above) that make use of the opposing candidate's own words, in context. I enjoy watching these much as a boxing enthusiast enjoys watching a skilled boxer decimate his opponent…

Obama's choice of Joe Biden must be very welcome to the McCain team. So far as I can discern, it adds no substance to Obama's ticket, but adds a great deal of opportunity for pointed and irrefutable critique.

This could be more fun than I was expecting! The only way I can think of for this to get any more entertaining is if McCain's VP pick was for someone even older than him!

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