Saturday, October 27, 2007

Reader Question...

From Lauren:
Your updates and maps have been invaluable - thanks for the great, continuous and responsible information.

We are awaiting the fate of Wisecarver Truck Trail. We saw the Modis fire map on your site last night showing the fire moving nearly to our back door.

Does anyone have any information on this area? Was the fire that crossed Lyons Valley Road south of Lawson Peak extinguished?
Thanks for the kind words, Lauren. To the best of my knowledge, the fire never got to Wisecarver Truck Trail – but the remote part of that road, closest to Lawson Peak, was very close to where I believe it did burn, and might have burned over. I'm pretty darned sure that the end of Wisecarver Truck Trail near Skyline Truck Trail is undamaged. From all the information I have, the fire in that area is out. Does anyone out there have any more information about these areas?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Again Tom,

    We returned to Wisecarver Truck Trail on Saturday evening, to find our property and cows unharmed. Thank Goodness!!!

    We are indeed the last property on Wisecarver Truck Trail, bordering the Cleveland National Forest. We believe, though have not yet confirmed, that the fire came within a mile or so of our property.

    We also discovered forestry workers were out clearing and regrading the fire road that runs between Wisecarver and Carveacre, proactively making it useable as a fire defense line for the future. This is good news. Just a note, if you want to check out the fire road, you'd need to go in from the Carveacre side, the Wisecarver side is gated.

    The volunteer from the Oregon Forestry department, who was working this job, also indicated that there might be a prescribed burn in that area.

    We are certainly interested in getting any information about this.

    Thanks again for great blogging and maps................

