Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another Flareup...

I just captured this view from Lyons Peak, looking east. That big, ugly, gray column of smoke is new in the past half hour. It appears to be coming from the small canyon that runs WNW from Barrett Lake towards Lyons Valley Road. This is the canyon that has an unpaved access road to the lake running through it, with a big steel gate along Lyons Valley Road.

Right now the the winds are very light, trending to the northeast if anything at all, so this doesn't look like an immediate threat to Lawson Valley...but I can't help but worry when there's a flareup that close…


  1. Have you seen any airplanes dropping water lately?

  2. I can't give you personal observations, since I am currently evacuated from the area; I'm 30 miles or so away from home in Chula Vista, at a friend's home. However, I can tell you these things: several reliable observers have told me about helicopters working hard in the area. Occasionally, while watching the Lyons Peak cameras, I've spotted helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. And finally, I saw video both last night and this morning, from local TV stations, showing aircraft around Lyons Peak and the Deerhorn Valley area. So there are definitely aircraft working those fires. I can't say how many, or whether the Harris Fire is getting its fair share of air resources -- but they are certainly getting some...
