The photo at right was the last one I took today, after spending most of the day working with the crew. I accidentally caught a piece of wood in mid-air – someone below launched the wood up just as I snapped this. What I was really trying to capture was the two “mats” of rebar up on the roof. There's an amazing amount of structural steel up there, waiting to be covered in concrete.

A neighbor and friend, Dick F. (who has lots of concrete experience) came over to show David and the rest of the crew a better way to lift the two rebar mats up to the correct height above the bottom of the form. There was a little friction at first – I think David was probably a little put out by the idea of someone telling him what to do – but he seemed to realize quickly that he might be able to learn something useful from Dick. In the end, they supported the rebar in exactly the way Dick recommended, and it looks very good to me. There's one small area where I think the top mat is a little too close to the bottom mat, but that's easily fixed if the inspector believes its a problem.
The rest of these photos show scenes from yesterday's and today's work.

In France we would provide snacks and drinks for the crew when the roof went on. Whether it counts without the concrete is obviously a key consideration - our standard construction here for all houses is very similar to yours for the Fortress. Perhaps the family were there for a party?