Here's the problem in a nutshell: it appears that some number of the weather stations used to collect temperature data are located improperly, in spots where the temperature is artificially high because of asphalt, reflections from buildings, or even hot equipment. The photo above shows the Wickenburg, Arizona measurement site. The temperature measuring instrument is in the white finned coffee-can shaped container sitting atop a pole – on an asphalt parking lot, next to buildings, and right next to hot equipment!
Certainly not all stations are located badly like this. Of particular interest of the stations that started out in perfectly ok locations, but which had cities and big towns grow around them, and perhaps had site “improvements” made which would introduce temperature bias. One skeptical climate scientist decided to enlist citizen help to reach the goal of surveying all of the 1,200+ stations – check out his web site here if you'd like to help. The results so far (160 sites surveyed) show a definite and substantial problem: many sites are located such that you'd expect to see temperature increases from local effects. These are the measurements being used to predict global warming, but what they're really doing is telling us that the asphalt is hot. Doh!
One of my favorite bloggers surveyed two sites, including the one in the photo above. Check out his report.
It's still true: the more I learn about global warming, especially anthropogenic global warming, the more skeptical I become...
I think Al Gore and many activists have probably done the world a huge disservice over this in many ways. By their approach, by sounding a massive red-alert and making outrageous claims like we are doomed within 10 years and trying to shout down anyone that asks questions about the issue, they may lead people to completely shut their eyes to what could potentially be a real problem.
ReplyDeleteI have to figure that there is some sort of warming trend going on at least in some areas as glacier's like Kilimanjaro are shrinking in a big way.
But what is causing it? Is it warming from the sun? Is it only certain areas? Is it increased temps from asphalt all over the world?
Is it actually caused by CO2 changes or are the CO2 changes caused by the warming? causation vs correlation?
Apparently worlds CO2 concentrations have varied tremendously over thousands and millions of years. Much of this time without the assistance of mankind. It is also an interesting feedback system. More CO2, plants flourish and absorb it producing more oxygen. They die, decay, release it, or if we are lucky turn it into fossil fuels over a few million years.
Its a complex system and there are huge numbers of factors that could be involved that no one really understands.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think spewing crap into the air, rivers etc. is very wise. But lets approach this with our logical, not emotional sides.