Yesterday we got the horrific news about Cal Johnson, a Jamulian accused of some rather extreme abuse of his wife. Today he was arraigned; he plead "not guilty" to all charges:
Cal Johnson, 47, appeared shaken as the prosecutor went through the graphic details of the alleged assault. The 14 charges against him range from rape to assault with a deadly weapon to false imprisonment of his wife. Johnson entered his not-guilty plea through his attorney via a closed circuit television feed in the courtroom.Another news report had more details:
Deputy District Attorney Claudia Grasso said the chain of events that led to the arrest began a week ago."Throughout the weekend, the defendant was insistent she was having an affair with a family friend," the prosecutor told the judge.At one point, Johnson held the woman's head under water running from a bathtub faucet and threatened her, Grasso said.Later, the defendant confronted his perceived romantic rival, punched him and threatened him, the prosecutor said.Monday, Johnson allegedly threw a computer keyboard and mouse at his wife, and late that night, woke her up and told her they were going to meet the alleged "other man" at a church, Grasso said.Instead, Johnson and his wife ended up in a secluded area and he threatened to kill her, the prosecutor said."The defendant proceeded to stun her over 100 times, called her a bitch and said she was about to die," the prosecutor told the judge.Johnson then sexually assaulted his wife, but she was able to run off and hide until morning, Grasso said.The victim suffered bruises and lacerations all over her body, according to the prosecutor.It's frightening to think that people capable of such behavior (assuming all the charges are true) walk around amongst the rest of us, and we can't tell. They need to have a big neon sign on their forehead!
If any of my readers know either Cal Johnson or his wife, I'd sure appreciate some insight and background -- I know nothing more than what I read in the sketchy news reports...
First let me say that Cal Johnson is not the person the prosecutors are trying to portray. I know this as I am his wife and the victim of this assault. My husband is the most loving, caring, giving person one could meet...that is until he became addicted to methamphetamines. My husband did not do these acts to me..the drugs did. I know some of you will say I am ignorant or just trying to protect the man I love and the father of my children. To a point you would be right, however I also know that he has to be held accountable for what has happened. He knows he has to be held accountable for this. The news did not report the facts as accurately as they should have. The actions of the reporters covering this case, particularly the reporter from channel 39 is deplorable. Seeing as this is being referred to as a sexual assault...what about my rights?!?! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the wife of "Cal Johnson, 47 of Jamul" is. Why can't a personal and private family tragedy be kept personal and private. Those in this community that wish to pass judgement on us, on him, go ahead. I will stand by my husband every step of the way jsut as I have for the past 23 years. He is not a danger to anyone but himself and I am saddened and preplexed how anyone could judge another person until you've walked a mile in thier shoes. Go ahead and scorn us and turn your heads and whisper when you see us about town, just remember...this could happen to anyone. I pray that no one would have to endure what we are at this point in our lives, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and we are definate fighters. I sincerely hope that our friends will still be our friends, but if not then you never really were.
ReplyDeleteGod bless,
Jamie Johnson
what a joke... I know your husband and he was abusive to you and irrational to others for the past 20 yrs ... He dealt drugs and watch out if you're his neighbor, because he has alot of surveillance equipment and listens to all of your conversations, etc...very paranoid individual who is dangerous and should be locked up.
ReplyDeleteTo the wife of Cal C. Johnson, Your husband is now living 6 miles south of the border in Mexico and is the same disgusting abusive piece of garbage he was 7 years ago. He should be in prison and this wife did the rest of us a great disservice when she did not put him in prison. You, the wife - will be responsible when he kills his new girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteAs a friend of Jamie Johnson, the former wife of Cal Johnson, and her family, it is unbelievable that someone, with the obvious attempt to humiliate Cal, would bring this back up after over 7 years.
ReplyDeleteAs you state, Cal does not even live in Jamul any longer so your posting in this community blog, where Jamie and her children do still live, is vindictive.
Before you made your comment did you think about how Jamie and her children would be affected by this being brought to light again? To my knowledge, Jamie and Cal have been divorced for several years and the family has been trying to put the nightmare behind them for the past 7 years.
Cal's actions are his responsibility and no one else's.
Jamie, nor her children, are responsible for his actions.
It is my understanding that once charges were filed, Jamie had no say in what happened, the State made the decision. For you to blame Jamie for his not being in prison is ignorant and bordering on harassment. If you are so concerned about his new girlfriend, maybe you should think about your responsibility and warn her of what you seem to know.
How will YOU feel if she gets killed and YOU did NOTHING about it except try to humiliate Cal in a blog for the community he no longer lives in. As you state, he is "the same disgusting abusive piece of garbage he was 7 years ago", so how will YOU feel if he takes your attempt to humiliate him out on Jamie? All you've done is bring up a tragic time in that families life and made them have to remember the pain they went through.
No trial after wife refused to cooperate
DeleteBy Ray Huard
July 19, 2008
A San Diego man accused of shocking his wife 150 times with a stun gun
received no prison time because of U.S. Supreme Court decisions that left
prosecutors unable to go to trial after the man's wife refused to cooperate.
"Without her, there was very little we could proceed on," Deputy District
Attorney Claudia Grasso said.
Under the terms of a plea agreement, Cal C. Johnson was sentenced in El
Cajon Superior Court yesterday to three years' probation. Prosecutors said
it was the best they could do under court rules that have dramatically
shifted under Supreme Court rulings that began in 2004 and continued through
last month.
Johnson, 48, pleaded guilty June 19 to felony charges of corporal injury to
a spouse and making a criminal threat. He had been charged with 17
felonies - accused of kidnapping, beating and threatening his wife over four
days before attacking her with the stun gun on May 23, 2007.
Had Johnson been tried and convicted of all counts, he would have faced more
than 20 years in prison, Grasso said.
Johnson's wife told police that her husband took her to Jamul under the
guise of meeting with a man Johnson suspected she was seeing. She said
Johnson pulled off the road along Proctor Valley Road in Jamul and shocked
her repeatedly for an hour with a stun gun.
The Supreme Court ruled in 2004 that statements made to police and others
out of court - such as those Johnson's wife made - couldn't be used unless
the person who made them also testified in court, giving defendants a chance
to confront their accusers and challenge their credibility.
Until the 2004 ruling, prosecutors routinely went to court on domestic
violence cases in which victims wouldn't testify, former San Diego City
Attorney Casey Gwinn said. He said victims refused to cooperate in about 75
percent of the cases.
Gwinn is a founder of the San Diego Family Justice Center and an instructor
at the National College of District Attorneys.
Prosecutors would rely on physical evidence such as police reports and
medical reports on victim's injuries, Gwinn said.
Johnson's wife was in court for his arraignment in May 2007, Grasso said.
After that, prosecutors were unable to find her even though they staked out
her house and went to her son's high school graduation.
"We logged over 100 hours trying to subpoena the victim. We were never able
to find her," Grasso said.
Johnson's attorney, Kevin McDermott, said he never knew where Johnson's wife
was staying but that she never left San Diego County. McDermott said
Johnson, his wife and two teenage children are undergoing counseling in
hopes of getting the family back together.
McDermott denied that Johnson shocked his wife and said his client pleaded
guilty to avoid prosecution on domestic-violence charges should his wife
change her mind about testifying against him.
He said that Johnson and his wife were using methamphetamine at the time of
the incident and that her report to police was affected by her drug use.
"It wouldn't be the first time in a domestic-violence situation where the
spouse, for whatever reason, grossly overstates the circumstances,"
McDermott said.
para las últimas 2 semanas nos hemos estado ocupando de este psicópata, es un matón que odia a las mujeres - sí sí sí a su novia quien es mucho más joven que él ha sido advertido y avisado y advertido. Ella ha hablado de su pasado y advertido y avisado, ella no quiere escuchar. El dinero le ha comprado una vida mejor y que paga todo para ella y su familia y sus supuestos amigos. La semana pasada se trató de correr a su novia de nuevo con un coche. Esto no es una broma esto es serio y real trató de atropellarla con su coche. Él está en las drogas con algunos pendejos locos y gritando a mi amigo "vamos a matar!" te vamos a matar. Hizo una amenaza física contra mí y mi familia con movimientos de la mano como un arma como si estuviera disparando hacia mí. Está fuera de sí y usa su dinero para comprar su ejército personal de idiotas que lo rodean como su ejército personal. Yo sé que la señora Johnson no cooperó con el fiscal y es por eso que este psicópata no está en prisión en estos momentos. Él está haciendo amenazas de muerte actuales contra la mujer varias veces y es un psicópata puro. Se debe por lo menos estar en centro psiquiátrico o en prisión. Él está en las drogas y es muy peligroso. Hemos contactado a la policía una y otra vez y ahora está involucrado seriamente en esta situación. Debido a las amenazas de muerte que ahora estamos involucrados con abogados, policías, detectives, policías estatales, policías federales y jueces. ¿QUÉ PASA CON NUESTRO DOLOR? SOMOS MUJERES QUE traidor a su sexo. Tal vez la familia está tratando de poner su pesadilla detrás de ellos el nuestro acaba de empezar con este monstruo. sentirse mal para nosotros también
ReplyDeleteTo the moderator of this blog...I believe it is in everyone's best interest to shut this thread down. Keeping it open and active is for nothing more than sensationalism, which you yourself critized the media of. As a member of this community and a friend of the Johnson family, shut this down and give this family their privacy.
ReplyDeleteSensationalism would be telling a distorted story for some kind of gain. I make no money (or other gain) from this blog. What's going on in this thread is something entirely different - it's concerned citizens making their case. I HAVE refrained from posting some of the comments on this thread, when they appear to be bogus or just trolls.
ReplyDeleteHello Jamul blog -
ReplyDeleteI'm a retired US Marine officer and a practicing cross border attorney in San Diego doing research for a case and somehow - somehow I came upon this blog and these incredible statements and allegations about Cal C. Johnson 44 y/o male.
We have a bilingual practice working in both countries and specifically in SD and Baja California/DF. Subsequent to reading the above allegations from anonymous of June 15th 12:02 (spanish) I became rapt in said comment.
Life is truly peculiar, I was doing a search on case law and I came upon this site? go figure!
Furthermore this blog really piqued my interest.
To the above comment from anonymous of June 13 - I did a cursory look at the Lexis Nexus system and did a simple Google search on Cal C Johnson to familiarize myself with this person and this case - there was some incredible and demonstrable proof of what this man did and it is in the record. You are incorrect in your statements.
Due to the fact that his wife withdrew her support to prosecute she is de facto complicit in him now being a free man. please find the following goggle group archive - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/talk.rape/BuJKNyPRf6c/-k8RvxLja5cJ
This man obviously has money because his counsel went all the way to SCOTUS to defend him, (that's incredible to me!).
Deputy District Attorney Claudia Grasso wanted to pursue this case to the full extent of the law but because of the lack of cooperation of the victim - his wife and the inability to serve her with subpoenas they had to drop many of the most serious charges. From what I read they were never able to find her because she allegedly absconded from the area.
How I stumbled onto this blog is beyond me but it has been fascinating and I hope things work out for the allegedly harassed above. Sincerely,
Lic. HLJ Esq
Attorney at Law
for those of you whom do not read spanish - translate the above statement using an online traslator. Interesting read. Good luck to all.
... right, guy....u r forgetting he ran his new girlfriends car off the road just mo.tbs ago? And he is hated by the neighbors that surround him?
ReplyDelete"or the past 2 weeks we have been dealing of this psychopath, is a bully who hates women - Yes Yes Yes to his girlfriend who is much younger that he has been warned and warned and warned. She has spoken of her past and warned and warned, she doesn't want to listen. The money has bought her a better life, and who pays for everything for her and her family and so-called friends. Last week it was running his girlfriend again with a car. This is not a joke this is serious and real tried to run her over with his car. He is on drugs with some crazy assholes and screaming to my friend "we will kill you!" we're going to kill. He made a physical threat against me and my family with movements of the hand as a weapon as if it were shooting at me. It is beside himself and used his money to buy his personal army of idiots that surround it as his personal army. I know that Mrs Johnson failure to cooperate with the Prosecutor and is for this reason that this psychopath is not in prison at the moment. He is making death threats against women several times and is a pure psychopath. You must at least be in psychiatric Center or in prison. He is on drugs and is very dangerous. We have contacted the police again and again and it is now seriously involved in this situation. Because of the death threats that we are now involved with lawyers, police officers, detectives, State police, federal police and judges. WHAT HAPPENS WITH OUR PAIN? We are women that traitor to her sex. Perhaps the family is trying to put his nightmare behind them our just start with this monster. feel bad for us also"
As a domestic violence survivor, I do random searchs relating to the topic and came across this blog. What troubles me the most is that the operator of this blog is allowing unverifiable accusations and comments from people who obviously do not reside in the community this blog is targeted for. It is apparent the recent posts are from residents of Mr. Johnsons in Mexico and persons that don't even know these people. If, in fact, the accusations and comments relating to this man's recent behavior is accurate, this blog and those comments are potentially placing both the former Mrs. Johnson and the girlfriend in extreme danger. Knowing first hand how abusers think and act, if these remarks are true, this man is highly volatile and most likely blames one or both of these women for his current issues. I would hate to learn that either of these women were harmed because this blog allowed posts that cannot be verified, from persons that don't even reside in the Jamul community.
ReplyDeleteI lived next to this guy for 5 months where he harassed my 4 year old son and my mother... as well as causing intentional damage to her property. The guy tried to kill his wife in the US and he also tried to kill his current gf in Mexico and u are scrutinizing the blogger? Cal?
DeleteCal Johnson now lives next to my mothers property in Mexico and I was his neighbor there for 5 months before moving back to US.
ReplyDeleteWe became sudden enemies with him simply because we were friends with someone he didn't get along with. Without being provoked, he started harrassing my family, threatening to kill a 60 year old retired american woman, causing damage to my house and my mothers by purposely clogging our septic tank outlets with construction foam, and blasting car alarms and house alarm at all hours of the night.
Also, he entered a relationship with an illegal prostitute from Panama and has actually attempted to kill her by running her car off the street.
This is a really sick man who spends his time haning out with his new roomies, a prostitute gf, and another mexican american convict who has just spent a decade in prison.
Because the girlfriend he tried to kill is still living with him, this proves there are women out there that put up with abuse and believe they are not victims... this can be the only explanation for his ex wife defending him on this blog.....if that is even, in fact, her.
Cal Johnson paid people to attack my family's only home simply because he decided he did not like them. He paid off the cops . There is no justice in Mexico . Please donate here.
A Jamul man who allegedly shocked his wife with a stun gun more than 100 times after accusing her of cheating on him pleaded not guilty Friday to 14 charges.
Cal C. Johnson, 47, was ordered to remain in custody in lieu of $1 million bail by Superior Court Judge Patricia Cookson.
Sheriff's deputies arrested Johnson Wednesday in Lemon Grove, a day after his nude and terrified wife was discovered by a passer-by in a remote section of Proctor Valley Road.
Deputy District Attorney Claudia Grasso said the chain of events that led to the arrest began a week ago.
"Throughout the weekend, the defendant was insistent she was having an affair with a family friend," the prosecutor told the judge.
At one point, Johnson held the woman's head under water running from a bathtub faucet and threatened her, Grasso said.
Later, the defendant confronted his perceived romantic rival, punched him and threatened him, the prosecutor said.
Monday, Johnson allegedly threw a computer keyboard and mouse at his wife, and late that night, woke her up and told her they were going to meet the alleged "other man" at a church, Grasso said.
Instead, Johnson and his wife ended up in a secluded area and he threatened to kill her, the prosecutor said.
"The defendant proceeded to stun her over 100 times, called her a bitch and said she was about to die," the prosecutor told the judge.
Johnson then sexually assaulted his wife, but she was able to run off and hide until morning, Grasso said.
The victim suffered bruises and lacerations all over her body, according to the prosecutor.
Defense attorney John Cotsirilos successfully argued for bail to be lowered from $5 million, but did not comment on the prosecution's factual presentation.
Johnson is charged with false imprisonment, forcible oral copulation, two counts of rape with a foreign object, assault with a deadly weapon with force likely to cause great bodily injury, two counts of corporal injury to a spouse, three counts of making criminal threats, battery and two counts of battery on a significant other.
There is not enough evidence so far to support a kidnapping charge, the prosecutor said.
This monster will get his, he will, its just a matter of time. But he sounds psychopathic
ReplyDeleteThis evil man will get what coming to him, not from any human source but from karma, what you put out there come back to you in the most unexpected ways. He'll see. Karma, they say it's a bitch. This guy sounds like a undiagnosed schizophrenic but i read above that he and his wife used methamphetamine and that causes permanent schizophrenia like symptoms. It never goes away. Why do such bad things happen to good people? Well to everyone out there - let the universe handle it, he will be paid back in spades. Ta ta
ReplyDeleteFollowing this from Jamul.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that the demons in his head have been unleashed again. He is a psychopath and will self-destruct. It is the only way for these psychos, only a matter of time.
- Glad he is not in our neighborhood and a horror and tragedy for those folks that got him. He a bonafide psychopath and a menace to society.