An Associated Press photographer captured this image of Hillary Clinton as she greeted people before President Bush’s State of the Union address earlier this week.
I spotted this a few days ago, and saved it. I find myself revisiting it from time-to-time. There’s something about this photograph that compels me to examine it carefully, looking for … what?
I think I’m looking for reassurance that Hillary is a relatively normal human being, and I’m not finding it. We’ve all had many moments where a candid picture would have caught us in an embarrassing or inappropriate pose — so I guard against reading too much into this photo. Nevertheless, as I view this picture I find myself fearing that Hillary really is as unhinged and disturbed as she appears in this photo (and in others before it). And that’s kinda chilling, as she’s one of — perhaps the — leading Democratic candidate for president in 2008. She might win.
That oughta keep you up at night…