Gateway Pundit has great presentation of something I’ve long suspected, but haven’t known for sure: that the casualties (meaning deaths) in Iraq have actually decreased after the Iraq war, as compared with Saddam’s period of rule — despite the insurgency and all the best efforts of al Zarqari. Well, the Gateway Pundit has researched the numbers and presented them in an easy-to-digest graph (at right, click to enlarge). As the Gateway Pundit says:
The red area in the graph below shows the estimated average deaths in Iraq under Saddam Hussein from 36 average deaths per day from mass grave discoveries, to 137 deaths per day. Saddam may have murdered up to 5% of the Iraqi population during his 20 years of rule.
The yellow area shows estimated total fatalities since the beginning of the War in Iraq from Iraq Body Count, an antiwar website. Yet, still with questionable tallies of death counts, the War in Iraq is definitely saving lives.
Go read the post to see the sources for yourself…