Michael Yon has filed another report in his remarkable series from Iraq, this one about the recent elections. A teaser:
From Michael Yon’s report “Purple Fingers":
Major Yayha laughed, “Yes, no longer afraid to talk with Police or Army. This is good change.” The moment was warm and fuzzy, but the true situation is not. There is little doubt that the people are getting more confident in their new world, but the under-theme is still Jungle Law. Major Yayha expressed gratitude to America for supporting Iraq, and I did not have the heart to say that many Americans are ready to abandon him powerless and adrift on windswept sands.
And his conclusion:
It had been quiet from my perch. The guns had been silenced long enough that we could hear the Iraqi voice speak for a second time. The voice was louder, stronger, and prouder than it had been in January.
You really don’t want to miss this — go read the whole thing at “Purple Fingers"…
Oh, and the photo at right (click for a larger view) is some GI humor that Michael Yon captured in passing: “Turn Your Hamster into a Fighting Machine!” <smile>…