Tonight I decided to track down the legend of the "flying saucer" lady of Lawson Valley. Debbie and I once saw a car with a model flying saucer on top driving out in our area. We could hardly believe our eyes — it looked like a cheap prop from a really, really low-budget movie. A little bit of googling and I had the answer: the flying saucer lady is part of Uranius, an organization based in El Cajon and owning 67 acres in Lawson Valley. The Uranians apparently believe that space aliens will land at this site, prepared for them by members of the organization, at some ill-defined (and mis-predicted on several occasions already) time in the future. The photo at right is of a ceremony the Uranians once held at the Lawson Valley site, with the car leading a procession of...Uranians.
Well. Ain't that something?
On a quest for more knowledge (I know, I know — it pays to be careful on such a quest), I visited the organization's web site. It was not comforting. On the home page, you'll find this statement right at the beginning:
Unarius is a teaching of the interdimensional psychodynamics of the mind.
Since I had no clue what "interdimensional psychodynamics" might be, I sought assistance from the handy page provided at the same site:
When we speak of the new paradigm in science, Interdimensional Physics, as contrasted to atomic physics, it is to all intents and purposes the recognition and perception of the art and science of life.This new science unites atomic physics with the true author, the nonatomic or radiant energy that is the true unified field equation, which is being sought by the scientific community, particularly by physicist, cosmologists, astronomers, and astrophysicists.Interdimensional physics can be thus seen as the language, which is infinite in its translation and that plays a spiritual symphony, music that touches the heart, the mind, and the soul of the individual.The scientific statement of life is, in reality, an understanding of the human being and his or her interactive relationship with the evolutionary physics of life, death and immortality. In this respect, the teachings espoused by the Academy embody a 'person-centered' science, which is fourth dimensional in its design.
Aren't you glad to have that cleared up? I know I am!
I looked for more help, as I was having trouble understanding. I found this video, which you really don't want to miss — check out the snazzy flying saucer with flashing lights in the background, right behind Cosmic Visionary Uriel. Oh, my. Oh, oh, my oh my. Spooky.
At this point, I was reeling. I googled some more and ran across this disciple's web site. He's very careful not to associate himself in any official way with the Uranius organization, but he's clearly a believer. He advises (on his home page):
Various other symbolic forms should be abandoned, such as Yogi breathing, different postures, diets. Throw into the ash can, along with your Bible, any other symbologies, such as astrological charts and begin to replace them with a more intelligent, constructive and life-giving, life-preserving science. Start looking at the Infinite Creator, not as a white-robed Santa Claus ruling through emotional vicissitudes and supposedly creating through hocus-pocus abracadabra—but rather, view the Infinite Creator as the Master Scientist who not only created all things, but which is the substance and form of all things—an unemotional Creator who presents the same opportunity on the same basic plan of evolution to any human who can and will learn of this Creator, its Creative Principle. And in the learning, you will find the Principle in action, for such is Immortal life—a direct and personal continuity with the Infinite Creator which is expressing this same infinite creative thought and action with you, thus supporting and giving you life in your inter-dimensional world.
Holy something-or-other! Look what I've been missing!
Not that I could figure it out from this gobbledegook.
I googled further, seeking something more understandable. I found it here, here, here, and here. This is commentary about Uranius I can understand:
Sanctuary from the sun was short-lived; apparently the ‘Interplanetary Banner Procession’ was about to take place. Several Unariuns, using the tone usually reserved for senile but obstinate grandparents, made a futile attempted to persuade Spiegel to don a hat. A Cadillac led the parade, its roof adorned with a model flying saucer. Goose-stepping behind the saucer mobile were four trumpet-carrying heralds, all dressed in the same science fiction garb as the gatekeeper. Last came the 33 banner carriers, acting as surrogates for extraterrestrial leaders and the planets over which they preside. A white tuxedo’ed MC announced each of the living effigies as they lined up before the audience: “Hello, Namir from Serrena. Welcome, Tal from Rallium. Denios from Planet Ray, welcome…” One banner stood out from the spacey litany; “Welcome, Ruth Norman of Planet Earth”. Finally, as the four Jetson clones mimed blowing their horns to the blaring PA system, 33 white doves were released from a scaled-down replica of a flying saucer.
The article excerpted above was the most useful (and entertaining) one I found. It includes this brief description of what Unarius is all about:
Unarius is one of the oldest and most-successful UFO contactee groups. Strictly speaking, the Unarius Academy of Science is a tax-exempt, non-profit educational foundation centred in El Cajon, California. The word Unarius is an acronym for Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science. Members call themselves ‘Unariuns’.
What do they believe?
Unarius teaches that humankind is being prepared for a momentous change in consciousness, at which point Earth will be invited to join the Interplanetary Federation as the 33rd planet. Earth, it seems, is a prison planet where beings who have done terrible things in previous lives on other planets are incarnated. Unariuns are encouraged to confess their past-life sins – often in costumed pageants – in order to advance themselves spiritually. To aid them, the Unarius leaders have channelled teachings from ‘advanced beings’ (ascended masters, rulers of higher planets, archangels and interdimensional scientists) explaining consciousness, the origin of life and our connection with galactic intelligence.
There's more, and it's worth reading — both to be forewarned about exactly what the flying saucer people are actually up to the next time they visit "Landing Zone One" (the 67 acres of Lawson Valley they've prepared for aliens), and for the entertainment (and photos!). The author was apparently a history student when he wrote this piece (in 2002) for the Fortean Times.
I'll end this post with my favorite line from all the Uranic reading I've done tonight, from one of the sites I linked above:
But alas, these facts don't fully convey the Unarius style, which was personified by Ruth Norman, a true American original who combined the couture sensibilities of a drag queen with the joi de vivre of a Frisbee-chasing Irish Setter.