Welcome home, warriors of the Lincoln group. Thank you for your service to all of us. The UT has a little coverage and a few photos.
Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Welcome home, warriors of the Lincoln group. Thank you for your service to all of us. The UT has a little coverage and a few photos.
BANGOR, Maine — A little Iraqi has a new home in Maine.
H.P. the cat was adopted by National Guard troopers serving with the 152nd Field Artillery Battalion. Spc. Jesse Cote said the cat was starving and toothless when they found it.
But the GI's were able to nurse H.P. back to health. The cat ate and slept with the soldiers and even helped them. Cote said H.P. would be the first to react to mortar fire and was their warning of incoming.
When the soldiers were returning to Maine, they raised $700 to fly H.P. to the United States . No one's sure how H.P. got its name -- but Cote said it could stand for Here Puss.
The "Cedar Revolution" in Lebanon continues, and down (so far as I can tell) an entirely admirable path. The BBC coverage, amazingly, was the best I could find (several stories and lots of photos are up there). Events are proceeding so rapidly there that it's very difficult to keep up.
The beeb had this to say about the resignation of the current Lebanese government:
The cabinet resigned two weeks after the killing of the former Lebanese Prime Minister, Rafik Hariri.
"We want an interim cabinet to uncover the truth about Hariri's assassination, draft a law and oversee elections this spring," opposition MP Ghassan Mukheiber told the AFP news agency.
The lawmaker stressed that Syria must withdraw its troops - which have been in Lebanon for some 30 years - before the elections.
The opposition is also calling for the resignation of a number of senior officials in Lebanon's security services.
Isn't it wonderful what can happen when "the people" realize that they actually are empowered?
By the way, the photo at right is of a woman protester in Lebanon. The graphic on her cheek is of the Lebanese flag, which has a stylized "Lebanon cedar" on it. That cedar is the traditional national symbol of Lebanon...
We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavours and furniture polish is made from real lemons...
Alfred E. Newman