Tolerate this!, says Jay. And he further comments:
Liberals seem to live by the axiom, “Do as I say, not as I do.” No matter what grand ideals they profess, they hold themselves entirely blameless for disregarding them; regardless of how contradictory their words and deeds are.
Take the professed Liberal doctrine of “diversity” and “tolerance” for instance. Ah, such noble, admirable ideals! Everyone will get along just fine if we just accept and embrace that we’re all different and we can all get along. Such an idyllic, utopian world view!
And what a frickin' pity that Liberals wouldn’t recognize such principles if they reared up and bit 'em square on their ass.
Hell, judging from the conduct of the average ACLUer and their Leftist cohorts in the Democrat party, the only “diversity” they respect is the kind that’s put on display by those goose-stepping clowns who parrot the Liberal platform word-for-word. Everyone else of every race, religion and ideology who refuses to kowtow to the Leftist agenda gets marginalized as an “Uncle Tom,” “extremist,” or “hater."
Add to that mix the Liberal hypocrisy in which they claim that they’re “inclusive” and “tolerant” of differing views. They pay a lot of lip service to such virtue, but when the rubber hits the road, these “inclusive, tolerant” Leftists expect everyone in the mainstream to keep their views to themselves while every Left-wing lunatic fringe group gets to monopolize the public square.
The sheer magnitude of this hypocrisy has become painfully apparent in the past several years, especially during the Christmas season. No longer content to criminalize public displays of any and all things Judeo-Christian, Liberals now seek to annihilate any and all public reference to the birth of Christ during the very season in which that birth is celebrated.
Seems these “tolerant, inclusive” people just aren’t content with getting the Ten Commandments removed from the public squares of a nation that is over 90% Christian. And these “tolerant” little Liberals certainly weren’t very happy about a harmless three-letter word spelled “G-O-D” that was in our nation’s Pledge of Allegiance and on our currency. Oh no…now they have to destroy every reference to the reason for the season while propping up fake holidays such as Kwanzaa.
Suffice it to say that I think it’s high time that the majority shrugged off the tyranny of this ridiculously small Leftist fringe and told them, in no uncertain terms, to practice some of that tolerance they preach and keep their intolerant, mean-spirited, anti-Christmas bellyaching to themselves.
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